The North Carolina Neuroscience & Spine Center provides specialized care for individuals with back pain, tailoring treatment solutions to suit each patient’s unique needs. Our dedicated team prioritizes a conservative approach, refraining from rushing into surgical recommendations.

We are committed to exploring all available avenues of treatment, collaborating with a range of experts (including pain management specialists and physical therapists) to devise a comprehensive care strategy that delivers optimal outcomes.

In instances where surgery emerges as the most viable course of action, our team of skilled neurosurgeons adeptly performs procedures with a focus on minimizing invasiveness. Guiding you seamlessly from your initial consultation through treatment and onto the path of recovery is our patient navigator. This resourceful professional is dedicated to facilitating your journey to receive necessary care with utmost ease.

Our Back Pain Treatments

Chronic back pain could be caused by anything from a minor concern to a serious underlying condition. Regardless of the reason, it’s always important to have it checked out by one of our specialists.

Some (but not all) of the most common reasons for a back pain consultation include the following:

Bulging & Herniated Disc

Discs are the flat, rounded structures that act as protective cushions between the vertebrae in your spine. While bulging discs usually don’t result in any pain, a herniated disc can lead to:

  • Arm pain
  • Leg pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Muscle weakness
  • Loss of balance
  • Lack of ability to lift heavy objects

Our non-invasive treatment options for a bulging or herniated disc include medications, cortisone injections, or physical therapy. If these fail, your doctor may recommend partial or complete surgical removal, among other strategies.

Cervical Disc Surgery

Cervical discs are located in the neck and can also experience bulging and herniation, as well as fluid loss and thinning. If surgery is necessary, your doctor could suggest a cervical disc fusion or replacement.

Degenerative Disc Disease

This condition can occur as the discs break down and compress during the aging process or because of certain biochemical changes. It typically presents as lower back or leg pain.

Disc Replacement

While every effort is made to save and repair a damaged disc, sometimes it must be replaced. In these instances, it may be replaced with an artificial disc to help patients return to a more routine lifestyle.

Lumbar Disc Surgery

The lumbar discs are located in the lower back and facilitate twisting and bending. These motions can be particularly painful and difficult to perform if the discs are degenerated or damaged. If the pain is constant and intense, movement is severely restricted, and other options aren’t working, your doctor could proceed with a lumbar disc fusion or lumbar discectomy.

Neck & Lower Back Pain

Lower back and neck pain aren’t always caused by an imperfect disc. There could be multiple reasons, each affecting the proper course of treatment. Your provider will perform a physical examination and diagnostic evaluation to decide the best care strategy to alleviate your pain.

How Much Do Back Pain Treatments Cost?

Your back pain treatment plan will be individualized to your specific needs, so the price will depend on which tests and procedures are administered and other patient-specific factors. We work with many health insurance providers to help patients manage the cost of care, but you may want to contact your carrier for more details concerning back pain treatment coverage.

Relieve Your Back Pain at the North Carolina Neuroscience & Spine Center

Patients with back pain in North Carolina have options to improve their quality of life. To learn more about our expert back pain care or schedule an appointment, please call 919-784-7550.